Category Page


Slider #

Category pages are used when a customer is looking for a particular type of product, but not a specific product such as t-shirts, sofas or running shoes. If they had a specific product in mind, they most likely would have looked for it first using the search function.

Categories tend to have many products, so it can be hard to navigate them but many customers are looking for the same few products in the categories. These select products tend to be the same for each customer, so they will likely be the best-sellers. This is because best-sellers offer the customer a sense of security - if the product was popular amongst others there is some proof of value.


Instant Search


Search-as-you-type allows your customers to browse and purchase products directly from your search bar. To optimise your customers’ searching experience, display rich product information like picture, name, price, and even a call-to-action button to place the product in the basket. This will help you get the most out of Live-Search.

The search doesn’t only display matching products to the customer’s search, but also the most popular products, based on their search.


AI Campaigns


Configuration #

In, head over to Settings > Email Configuration using the left-side menu.

Email Information #

Enter the sender details you’d like to appear for Auto Emails from your store in the Email Information section

  • Sender Name: The name you’d like to appear as the sender for your emails (e.g., Jim from ReallyCoolStore)

  • Sender Email: The email you’d like to appear as the sender email for your emails (e.g.,


Chat FAQs


Sales Assistant is still in Private Beta for selected users. All features are subject to change. If you are interested in testing it, sign up for the waiting list in > Sales Assisstent
Chat FAQs

These are accessed in > Sales Assistant > Chat FAQs

Sometimes, you might want to force the Chat AI to respond in a specific way to certain questions. E.g. it might be a good idea to ask it only to send a single discount code when prompted, or reply to questions about your opening hours in a specialised way.




Overview #

Clerk.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies the integration of our API with your frontend. There are three benefits to using Clerk.js:

  • It’s robust, as it’s loaded asynchronously. This means that the rest of the page is not dependent on an API response before loading.
  • It’s often faster, as your server can start rendering the page in parallel with Clerk.js making calls and rendering results.
  • Visitor- and click-tracking is handled automatically for any results shown by Clerk. This requires no cookies, as we generate a hashed value of the visitor’s IP and useragent, combined with a unique store salt that rotates every 30 days.

Clerk.js is loaded with a lightweight tracking script added to the header of the website.


Company: GDPR


Compliance # is fully GDPR compliant. This article describes everything you need to know about and GDPR and how makes it easy for you to handle GDPR requests.

Handling personal data requests #

We have made it super easy for both marketeers and developers to handle requests about personal info or requests to be forgotten.




This section will show you how to install’s Live Search with everything driven by Content and Designs.

1. Create a Search Design called “Instant Search”. Start by using a default

Instant Search Dropdown Right design.

2. Create a Search Content block called “Live Search”.

3. Choose Live Search as the Product Logic, and select your Live-Search design

4. Copy the embedcode from the section “Insert into website” into the bottom of the file              that generates all pages of your webshop.




General #

Homepage Recommendations #

  • First, Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Homeage.

  • Find the homepage theme file, home.html in this example. Paste the embed code generated from Content here:

Product Page Recommendations #

  • First, Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Product Page.

  • Find the cart page theme file, product.html in this example. Paste the embed code generated from Content here:




General #’s Recommendations can be installed on any page of the webshop, to help customers find the right products.

With the Setup Guide, you can see which pages to install recommendations on, and which types to use, to get our Best Practice running.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create a Standard Design #

The first thing you need to do, is create a Standard Design for your sliders.




General #’s Recommendations can be installed on any page of the webshop, to help customers find the right products.

With this Guide, you will see how to install recommendations on, and which types to use, to get our Best Practice running.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create a Standard Design and Content #

The first thing you need to do, is create a Standard Design for your sliders.
