

Instant Search & Search Page #’s search function consists of two parts:

  • The Live-Search dropdown that is displayed when a customer starts typing.

  • The Search Page which displays all matching products on a full page.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

Create Designs and Content #

The first thing you need to do, is create Standard Designs and Content.

You can use the Setup guide entitled SEARCH under the Getting Started option, to quickly create Designs and Content that have the same color scheme and style as your webshop.




Instant Search & Search Page #’s search function consists of two parts:

  • The Live-Search dropdown that is displayed when a customer starts typing.

  • The Search Page which displays all matching products on a full page.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create Standard Designs and Content #

The first thing you need to do, is create Standard Designs and Content.




General #’s Recommendations can be installed on any page of the webshop, to help customers find the right products.

With the Setup Guide, you can see which pages to install recommendations on, and which types to use, to get our Best Practice running.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create a Standard Design #

The first thing you need to do, is create a Standard Design for your sliders.




Search code offers three distinct search solutions that can be used together or separately:

This article explains how to get started when using a Clerk.js setup in Shopify.

Instant Search
Instant Search provides real-time search results as customers type, displayed in a dropdown below the search input field.

Create Design #

You can either use the Design Editor to configure it visually, or use code designs.




First, create your Live Search Design and Content in Then:

  1. In the Shopware backend, go to Settings → System → Plugins.
  2. Next to the app, click the three dots … → Config.
  3. On the plugin page, choose the correct Sales Channel in the top of the app
  4. Scroll to Instant Search Settings and set Status to Enabled.
  5. Click Save.

Optional Settings:

  • If your Instant Search is not shown correctly, use Dropdown Positioning to choose how the dropdown should be shown relative to the search-field.
  • If the Instant Search does not show up at all, write the specific class/id of your search-field in the Input Selector field.
  • Choose a custom amount of suggestions, categories and pages to show in the 3 fields




General #’s Recommendations can be installed on any page of the webshop, to help customers find the right products.

With the Setup Guide, you can see which pages to install recommendations on, and which types to use, to get our Best Practice running.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create a Standard Design #

The first thing you need to do, is create a Standard Design for your sliders.




General #

Note: If you are using a Shortcode Editor for your pages Woocommerce, then we suggest using this guide.’s Recommendations can be installed on any page of the webshop, to help customers find the right products.

With the Setup Guide, you can see which pages to install recommendations on, and which types to use, to get our Best Practice running.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:



1 offers three distinct search solutions that can be used together or separately:

This article explains how to get started with Search with the WooCommerce plugin.

Instant Search
Instant Search provides real-time search results as customers type, displayed in a dropdown below the search input field.

Create Design #

You can either use the Design Editor to configure it visually, or use code designs.


Chat Logs


Chat logs

These are accessed in > Chat > Chat logs As visitors start having conversations with the chat assistant, you will see them show up here.

Each conversation contains:

  • A UID identifying the conversation
  • A visitor ID of the visitor or session having the conversation
  • The date where the conversation started
  • The first message written by the visitor
  • Good or bad feedback if the visitor has clicked on thumbs up or down
  • Indication of whether the conversation led to a conversion or not
  • The order value, if the conversation led to a conversion