Sync Data


Audience can be setup to automatically sync a group of customers to Ubivox so your lists are always up to date.

You only have to setup the sync once, and then Ubivox will be kept updated with the Audiences you have chosen, even as they change from day to day.

1. Getting Authentication Details from Ubivox #

1.1 In the Ubivox backend start by going to Account -> Security




Filter interface #’s Filter Interface can be used for each Content to narrow down results based on your product-attributes.

You will locate this option on Recommendations/Search/Email -> Content -> Edit Content -> Choose Product Logic. At the bottom you will find Filter Products.

When creating filters, the Interface will show you how many products match the filter and the generated filter string.

Each part of the filter consists of the following:




Clerk.js allows you to write custom Javascript functions that add new functionality to the Designs.

Formatters can be added in two ways:

  • Through > Settings > Formatters, where each Formatter can be created as separate entries.
  • As a configuration for Clerk.js, in the tracking-script that is inserted on all pages, where multiple formatters can be added at once.

An example can be seen below. Please be aware this is for Clerk V2 (latest version):




Using formatters in designs #

Clerk.js allows you to write custom javascript functions, that adds new functionality to the Designs.

Formatters can be added in two ways:

  • Through > Settings > Formatters, where each Formatter can be created as separate entries.
  • As a configuration for Clerk.js, in the tracking-script that is inserted on all pages, where multiple formatters can be added at once.

An example can be seen below. Please be aware this is Clerk V2 (latest version):


Writing great articles


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Welcome! In this article, you will learn everything you need to write amazing content for our Knowledge Center (KC).

Writing Style #

Voice & Tone #

When writing for our customers, we focus on making things clear and easy to understand. Our goal is to give them useful information without confusing them. We avoid complicated language and make sure every necessary step is explained.

We write for both technical and non-technical readers, so our articles need to be simple but informative to both types of readers. We do this through great copy and a clear structure.
