

Installing with the Toolbox script #

The Clerk.io Toolbox Script has been developed to make it easy to install the Clerk.io extension in your Magento webshop, without using Magento Connect.

The Toolbox Script will be run directly from a terminal. We suggest these: - Apple: iTerm, you will have to download it from the Internet; - Windows: Command Prompt, its already installed in your computer.




Installing with the Toolbox script #

The Clerk.io Toolbox Script has been made to make it easy to install the Clerk.io extension in your Magento webshop without using Magento Connect.

The Toolbox Script will be run directly from a terminal. We suggest these:

- Apple: iTerm, you will have to download it from the Internet;


Automated Flows


One of our best practices is the automated mail flow. The idea is to setup emails that show relevant products regularly, without you having to do anything after the initial setup.

A good follow-up flow after a customer has purchased from you is this:

Best Practice #

  1. First day of the month: “We just got a lot of new arrivals”- People just got their pay-check and are ready to spend. (Clerk product logic: Best sellers with filter age < 60 )




Data Sync Settings #

In my.clerk.io, click “Data” in the left-side menu, then scroll down to “Data Sync Settings” to see your sync options with Prestashop here.

  • Set your store URL, page size of your synced data, and the time of day when your webshop data syncs to Clerk.io (default is “when needed”).

Module Settings #

If you are using v 6.7.0 or a later version of the extension (you can check the newest version here), you will be able to access the below settings in two ways after adding your Public and Private Keys to the module:




After entering your store information in your Shopify admin page, you can choose your integration options within my.clerk.io. Click “Data” in the left-side menu, then scroll down to “Data Sync Settings” to view your options.

Image Size, Custom Attributes, & Inventory Locations #

  • Default Image Size is where you can set the size for the images to be used in your Clerk.io Content

  • Set your Custom Attributes to be synced with Clerk.io in the next section, by writing in the custom value names, comma separated.




Uninstalling #

To uninstall Clerk.io from your Shopware 6 webshop, you’ll want to disable the plugin in your webshop’s admin portal.

To access the Clerk.io plugin, log into your Shopware 6 store, then head to Settings > System > Plugins, and choosing “Config” with the three dots next to the Clerk.io plugin.

In the “General” section, simply switch the status from “Enabled” to “Disabled.” You can also remove the entire plugin from your Shopware 6 store afterward.




3rd Level of Menu #

Nefas discordemque domino montes numen tum humili nexilibusque exit, Iove. Quae miror esse, scelerisque Melaneus viribus. Miseri laurus. Hoc est proposita me ante aliquid, aura inponere candidioribus quidque accendit bella, sumpta. Intravit quam erat figentem hunc, motus de fontes parvo tempestate.

iscsi_virus = pitch(json_in_on(eupViral),
        northbridge_services_troubleshooting, personal(
        software, -1), megabit, ergonomicsSoftware(cmyk_usb_panel,
        mips_whitelist_duplex, cpa)));
if (5) {
    managementNetwork += dma - boolean;
    kilohertz_token = 2;
    honeypot_affiliate_ergonomics = fiber;
mouseNorthbridge = byte(nybble_xmp_modem.horse_subnet(
        analogThroughputService * graphicPoint, drop(daw_bit, dnsIntranet),
        gateway_ospf), repository.domain_key.mouse(serverData(fileNetwork,
        trim_duplex_file), cellTapeDirect, token_tooltip_mashup(
module_it = honeypot_driver(client_cold_dvr(593902, ripping_frequency) +
        coreLog.joystick(componentUdpLink), windows_expansion_touchscreen);
bashGigabit.external.reality(2, server_hardware_codec.flops.ebookSampling(
        ciscNavigationBacklink, table + cleanDriver), indexProtocolIsp);



my.clerk.io settings #

In my.clerk.io, click “Data” in the left-side menu and scroll down to “Data Sync Settings” to set and adjust your Clerk.io backend settings with WooCommerce.

Here, you enter your Store URL, the page size of your synced data, and sync time(the time of day your data syncs, default is whenever needed).

Plugin Settings #

If you are using v3.8.0 or a later version of the extension, you will be able to access the below settings in two ways after adding your Public and Private Keys to the plugin:


Purchase Intent


Definitions #

  • Interested In: is one of the best metrics of Audience. Through customers’ purchase history, Clerk.io can anticipate which customers will be likely to purchase the products, brand, type of products etc. that you choose.

A simple example is this:

If Clerk.io sees that many customers buy a blue pair of shoes with a red shirt, then customers who have purchased the red shirt will show up if you find customers, who are Interested In “blue shoes”. Even though the algorithm is much more advanced than this, the point is the same.




Chat Context
The Assistant can be configured in my.clerk.io > Settings > Chat configuration

Chat Context #

Influence the tone of voice to match your brand. The language you use to write these descriptions will control which language the Assistant communicates in.

Store description #

This text teaches the Chat how to perceive your webshop. It will be used as a reference when talking to customers.

A good store description contains:
