General #
To add Recommendations to your store, you’ll need to access your theme files in the Theme Editor. To do this, click “Design” in the left-side menu, then “Code bewerken” in the Geavanceerd dropdown.

Homepage Recommendations #
Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Homepage.
In the file or snippet where your homepage theme lives (in this case, snippets/homepage.rain), paste the appropriate embed code from your Content wherever on the page you’d like the Recommendations to appear.

Product Page Recommendations #
Create your Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Product Page.
In your product page or snippet file (in this example, product.rain), paste the embed code from your Recommendations Content in wherever you’d like the slider to appear on the Product page.
- Be sure to update the data-products placeholder to included the value used in your Lightspeed store (likely “[ {{}} ]”).

Category Page Recommendations #
First, Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Category Page.
To add Recommendation sliders to your webshop’s Category pages, head over to the appropriate theme page, likely collection.rain.
Here, you place the Content embed code generated in wherever you’d like the slider to appear on the page.
- Be sure to update the data-category placeholder to the appropriate category ID value in Lightspeed (in this example, “{{collection.category_id}}”).

Brand Page Recommendations #
First, Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add to your Brand Page.
To add Recommendation sliders to your webshop’s Brand pages, head over to the appropriate theme page, likely collection.rain.
You’ll need to differentiate Brand Pages from Category Pages by adding an IF statement to check for Category IDs (in this example, {%if collection.category_id %} ).
- Add and ELSE statement, then add the Brand Page embed-code here and close with {% endif %}, like this:

Exit Intent Recommendations #
First, Create your Recommendations Design and Content in that you’d like to add if visitors are exiting your store.
Exit Intent is added to your main theme file, likely custom.rain.
Here, you place the Content embed code generated in just before the closing