Enabling Advanced Settings in the DanDomain Classic app

Send product variants, control order status etc.

The DanDomain Classic app allows you to control advanced settings if its relevant for your webshop.

To enable Advanced Settings, go to the Clerk.io App in your DanDomain Classic backend, and go to Profile:

Check the box called Show advanced settings and click Gem:

Click Back, and you will be able to see the Advanced Settings of the App:

The Advanced Settings allows you do to the following:

Collect Emails Checking this, allows you to track customers’ emails, along with their click-history, for use in your email marketing. It allows you to send emails with relevant products, even if a customer has not placed an order yet.

Include variant products If your DanDomain Classic shop uses variants, and you want to be able to show these as individual products, you can enable that here.

Check both boxes to send variants to Clerk.io.

After enabling the feature, you need to run a new sync at my.clerk.io -> Data Sync.

Disable Order Synchronization After the first import of products, categories and sales, you can check this box to not import old orders anymore - they will still be kept in Clerk.io, to optimise results.

Translate Powerstep texts The buttons and texts of the powerstep can be translated or changed:

Using the variable {produktnavn} allows you to insert the name of the added product to the text.