Sales Assistant Beta


The Sales Assistant can answer all sorts of questions
Sales Assistant is still in Private Beta for selected users. All features are subject to change. If you are interested in testing it, sign up for the waiting list in > Sales Assisstent
Semantic product search

Search for products in natural language and refine your search progressively.

The AI can automatically filter your results based on price, but also brand or other custom attributes: “yellow nike shoes in size 42”

Get information about a product or compare products #

Comparing products
Can provide information about specific attributes of a product like the weight of a tent. Customers can also ask for similar products/alternatives or complementary products.

The Sales Assistant is context-aware and knows which page a customer is currently on.

See alternatives and complementary items #

Alternative products Complementary products

If a customer has not yet found the right product, the Assistant can show which similar items are available. Maybe the product they are browsing was not the right color, was too expensive or was not the right brand.

The Assistant can also show complementary items that go well with the current product, to increase your basket size.

Answer questions with info from your pages and blogs #

Return policy
Any article or page you have written can be used when answering questions. Pages like About Us, Opening Hours, Return Policy and other informational content is often very relevant to customers queries.

Blog also posts tend to have lots of great information about your products and industry. The Sales Assistant can use these to guide customers around your webshop.

Contact customer service #

Speak to customer service
If the user asks, the sales assistant will forward the inquiry to the email of the customer service to be handled by a human.

Message summary