Set custom price buckets for your facets

Gain control over your price filter ranges

To give you greater control over your site’s search functionality, we’ve introduced a new feature in Search 3.0: custom price buckets for your facets.

By default, generates price ranges for your price filter, based on the prices of your products. This automatic setting works well for most of our customers. However, there may be cases where you need to adjust these default ranges to better suit your product catalog.

To customize your price filter ranges:

  1. Go to your Search configuration (found under Settings in the lateral menu of your store).
  2. Scroll down to the “Facet price buckets” section.
  3. Enter the list of values that will define your price filter ranges.

For example, adding the list 0,50,100,350,500,1000 would create these 5 buckets:

  • 0-50,
  • 50-100,
  • 100-350,
  • 350-500,
  • 500-1000

Custom price buckets section under Search configuration