Any (email)

Email Recs

Check how to easily generate an embedcode for any email clients.

Creating an Email Design #

  1. In, go to Email -> Designs.

  2. Click New Design and give it a name.

  3. Choose Email, and optionally, pick either a starting Design.

  4. Style the email Design to your liking.

  5. Click Update Design.

Choosing a Product Logic #

  1. Go to Email -> Content, and create a new Content block.

  2. In the Content Page, under Choose Product logic, you can choose what type of recommendations to show:

Getting the Embedcode #

  1. In the Content page, under Select Design start by choosing the amount of products you want to be shown and the Design you just created.

  2. Under Insert into e-mail, choose your email client from the dropdown of supported clients:

     3. Your embedcode has now been configured for that platform

     4. After copying the embedcode, go to your email client.

     5. Insert the embedcode as HTML to your email in the place where you want

         recommendations to be shown. They will then be rendered and shown.