

Instant Search & Search Page #

Clerk.io’s search function consists of two parts:

  • The Live-Search dropdown that is displayed when a customer starts typing.

  • The Search Page which displays all matching products on a full page.

  • The Facets will add faceted navigation so your customers can filter the results on the search page.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create Standard Designs and Content #

The first thing you need to do, is create Standard Designs and Content.

You can use the Setup guide entitled SEARCH under the Getting Started option, to quickly create Designs and Content that have the same color scheme and style as your webshop.

A/ Start by creating a Design and Content for the Live Search:

Click Publish when you are happy with the styling.

B/ And then create a Design and Content for the Search Page:

Click Publish when you are happy with the styling.

You can easily change your designs and content later, under Designs and Content in the left menu. You can also refer to this guide Template Design to use in Clerk for design templates to use.

Change Design:

Change Content:

Now that you made your content and designs. This is how it should look:

Add the live search contents name into the fields like this:

Enable the live search, add the contents name under Clerk TemplateName and make sure to have the class selector for you input field. This will make sure the live search has a field it can render from.

Add Search Page #

Now that you made your content and designs. Now add the live search contents name into the fields like this:

Enable the search page and add the contents name under Clerk TemplateName.

Add Facets #

Here you will have to create a facet design:

  • Create a design in Clerk (Clerk.io backend under Search → Designs)
  • After creation, an ID must be stored in the plugin backend ( Plugins → Installed Plugins → S360 Clerk → click on gear → Settings → Facet Design ).
Facet ID after creation
Facet ID in the plugin

Standard designs #


<div id="clerk-template-live-search" style="background: white">
    <div class="clerk-live-search">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-12 col-sm-8 clerk-live-search-products">
                {% if products.length != 0 %}
                    <div class="h4 headline-style">{{ snippets.headlineProducts }}</div>
                    {% for product in products %}
                        <div class="product clerk-instant-search-key-selectable">
                            <a href="{{ product.url }}" class="d-block product-link link-discreet">
                                <div class="row align-items-center">
                                    <div class="col-2 text-center product-image-wrapper">
                                        <img src="{{ product.image }}" class="product-image img-fluid" />
                                    <div class="col-7">
                                        <div class="product-name productbox-title et-mb-0">{{ product.name }}</div>
                                    <div class="col-3">
                                        <div class="price_wrapper text-right">
                                            {% if product.has_variations or product.bulk_prices != 0 %}
                                                <span class="price_label pricestarting">
                                                    {{ snippets.priceStarting }}
                                            {% endif %}

                                            {% if product.on_sale %}
                                                <span class="instead-of old-price">
                                                    <small class="text-muted-util">
                                                        <del class="value">{{ product.original_price | money_eu }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }}</del>
                                            {% endif %}

                                            <span class="price productbox-price {% if product.on_sale %} special-price{% endif %}">
                                                <span>{{ product.price | money_eu }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} <span class="footnote-reference">*</span></span>

                                            {% if product.base_price > 0 %}
                                                <div class="price-note">
                                                    <span class="value">{{ product.base_price | money_eu }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} {{ snippets.vpePer }} {{ product.base_price_unit }}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
                    <div class="text-center">
                        <a href="{{ snippets.searchUrl }}?query={{ query }}" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg">
                            {{ snippets.showAllResults }}
                {% else %}
                    <div class="text-center">
                        {{ snippets.textNoResults | replace '###QUERY###' query | highlight query 'clerk-live-search-highlight' }}
                {% endif %}

            <div class="col col-sm-4 clerk-live-search-others">
                {% if suggestions.length != 0 %}
                    <div class="h4 headline-style">{{ snippets.headlineSuggestions }}</div>
                    <div class="clerk-live-search-others-wrapper clerk-suggestion">
                        {% for suggestion in suggestions %}
                            <a href="{{ snippets.searchUrl }}?query={{ suggestion }}">
                                {{ suggestion }}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if categories.length != 0 %}
                    <div class="h4 headline-style">{{ snippets.headlineCategories }}</div>
                    <div class="clerk-live-search-others-wrapper clerk-category">
                        {% for category in categories %}
                            <a href="{{ category.url }}">
                                {{ category.name }}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if pages.length != 0 %}
                    <div class="h4 headline-style">{{ snippets.headlinePages }}</div>
                    <div class="clerk-live-search-others-wrapper clerk-pages">
                        {% for page in pages %}
                            <a href="{{ page.url }}">
                                {{ page.title }}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}


#clerk-template-live-search {
    background: var(--white);
    padding: 1rem;
    box-shadow: 0 0 1.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#clerk-template-live-search .product {
    margin-bottom: 1rem;

.clerk-live-search-container .clerk-live-search-others a {
    text-decoration: none;
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: 0.3125rem;

.clerk-live-search-others-wrapper .clerk-category {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

Search Page (easyTemplate) #

<div id="result-wrapper" data-wrapper="true">
    {% if products.length %}
        <div class="et-product-list-products-wrapper">
            <div class="row product-list row-cols-2 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-4 layout-gallery" data-products-per-row='{"xs":2,"sm":2,"md":3,"lg":4,"xl":4}' id="product-list">
                {% for product in products %}
                <div class="product-wrapper col">
                    <div id="result-wrapper_buy_form_{{ product.id }}" data-wrapper="true" class="productbox productbox-show-variations et-item-box productbox-column">
                        <div class="productbox-inner">
                            <div class="row">
                                <div class="col col-12">
                                    <div class="productbox-image">
                                        {% if product.top_article and product.top_article != false %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-4 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.4 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.on_sale and product.on_sale != false %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-2 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.2 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.in_stock and product.in_stock != false %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-8 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.8 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.in_stock and product.in_stock <= 0 %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-7 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.7 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.age and product.age <= snippets.settings.newProductmaxDays %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-3 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.3 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.average_rating and product.average_rating <= snippets.settings.topProductMinStars %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-6 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.6 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.age and product.age < 0 %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-5 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.5 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.vorbestellbardate and product.vorbestellbardate > 0 %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-9 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.9 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.age and product.age > 0 and product.stock <= 0 %}
                                            <div class="ribbon ribbon-5 productbox-ribbon">
                                                {{ snippets.ribbons.5 }}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        <div class="productbox-images list-gallery">
                                            <a href="{{ product.url }}" title="{{ product.name }}">
                                                <div class="productbox-image square square-image">
                                                    <div class="inner">
                                                            <img src="{{ product.image }}" class="img-fluid" loading="lazy" alt="{{ product.name }}" />

                                <div class="col col-12">
                                    <div class="productbox-caption">
                                        <div class="et-item-box-manufacturer productbox-manufacturer">
                                            <span>{% if snippets.settings.showBrand %}{{ product.brand }}{% endif %}</span>

                                        <div class="et-item-box-title productbox-title">
                                            <a href="{{ product.url }}" class="text-clamp-2 link-discreet">
                                                {{ product.name }}

                                        <div class="et-item-box-rating productbox-rating">
                                        {% if product.average_rating > 0 %}
                                            <a class="rating" href="{{ product.url }}#tab-votes" title="{{ snippets.productRating }}: {{ product.average_rating }}/5">
                                            {% if product.average_rating >= 5 %}
                                                <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>
                                            {% else %}
                                                {% if product.average_rating >= 4 %}
                                                    <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 4 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}
                                                {% else %}
                                                    {% if product.average_rating >= 3 %}
                                                        <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 3 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                    {% else %}
                                                        {% if product.average_rating >= 2 %}
                                                            <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 2 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                        {% else %}
                                                            {% if product.average_rating >= 1 %}
                                                                <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 1 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                            {% else %}
                                                                {% if product.average_rating > 0 %}
                                                                    <i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                                {% endif %}
                                                            {% endif %}
                                                        {% endif %}
                                                    {% endif %}
                                                {% endif %}
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {% endif %}
                                        {% if product.in_stock %}
                                            {% if product.stock >= snippets.settings.storageLightsGreen%}
                                            <div class="delivery-status">
                                                <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                        <span class="status status-2"> 
                                                            <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                            <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextGreen}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if product.stock > snippets.settings.storageLightsRed and product.stock < snippets.settings.storageLightsGreen %}
                                            <div class="delivery-status">
                                                <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                        <span class="status status-1"> 
                                                            <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                            <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextYellow}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if product.stock == snippets.settings.storageLightsRed%}
                                                <div class="delivery-status">
                                                    <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                           <span class="status status-0"> 
                                                                <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                                <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextRed}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {% endif %}

                                        <div class="et-item-box-price">
                                            <div class="price_wrapper">
                                                {% if product.has_variations or product.bulk_prices != 0 %}
                                                    <span class="price_label pricestarting">
                                                        {{ snippets.priceStarting }}
                                                {% endif %}

                                                <div class="price productbox-price {% if product.on_sale %} special-price{% endif %}">
                                                    <span>{{ product.price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} <span class="footnote-reference">*</span></span>

                                                {% if product.on_sale %}
                                                    <div class="price-note et-old-price">
                                                        <div class="instead-of old-price">
                                                            <small class="text-muted-util">
                                                                <del class="value">{{ product.original_price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }}</del>
                                                {% endif %}

                                                {% if product.base_price > 0 %}
                                                    <div class="price-note">
                                                        <span class="value">{{ product.base_price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} {{ snippets.vpePer }} {{ product.base_price_unit }}</span>
                                                {% else %}
                                                    <div class="price-note">&nbsp;</div>
                                                {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}

            {% if count > products.length %}
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-12 productlist-pagination">
                        <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-more-wrapper mx-auto text-center">
                            <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress-wrapper">
                                <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress-label">
                                    {{ snippets.loadMoreProgress | highlight '###PRODUCTCOUNT###' 'clerk-endless-scroll-progress-count' | replace '###PRODUCTCOUNT###' products.length | replace '###COUNT###' count }}
                                <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress progress mb-4">
                                    <div class="progress-bar bg-secondary" role="progressbar" style="width: {{ (products.length / count) * 100 }}%;" aria-valuenow="{{ products.length }}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="{{ count }}"></div>
                            <div class="clerk-load-more-button btn btn-secondary btn-lg">{{ snippets.loadMore }}</div>
                                document.querySelector('.clerk-load-more-button').addEventListener('click', function() {
                                    Clerk('content', '#{{ content.id }}', function(content) {
                                        content.more({% if not limit %}{{ result.length }}{% endif %});
            {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        <p class="text-center">{{ snippets.textNoResults | replace '###QUERY###' query | highlight query 'clerk-search-highlight' }}</div>
    {% endif %}

Search Page (Nova) #

<div id="result-wrapper" data-wrapper="true">
    {% if products.length %}
        <div class="row product-list layout-gallery" id="product-list">
            {% for product in products %}
                <div class="product-wrapper col col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-xl-3 col-6">
                    <div id="result-wrapper_buy_form_{{ product.id }}" data-wrapper="true" class="productbox productbox-column productbox-hover">
                        <div class="productbox-inner">
                            <div class="row">
                                <div class="col  col-12">
                                    <div class="productbox-image">
                                        <div class="productbox-images">
                                            <a href="{{ product.url }}" title="{{ product.name }}">
                                                <div class="productbox-image square square-image">
                                                    <div class="inner">
                                                            <img src="{{ product.image }}" class="img-fluid" loading="lazy" alt="{{ product.name }}" />

                                                {% if product.top_article and product.top_article != false %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-4 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.4 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.on_sale and product.on_sale != false %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-2 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.2 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.in_stock and product.in_stock != false %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-8 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.8 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.in_stock and product.in_stock <= 0 %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-7 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.7 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.age and product.age <= snippets.settings.newProductmaxDays %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-3 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.3 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.average_rating and product.average_rating <= snippets.settings.topProductMinStars %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-6 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.6 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.age and product.age < 0 %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-5 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.5 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.vorbestellbardate and product.vorbestellbardate > 0 %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-9 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.9 }}
                                                {% endif %}
                                                {% if product.age and product.age > 0 and product.stock <= 0 %}
                                                    <div class="ribbon ribbon-5 productbox-ribbon">
                                                        {{ snippets.ribbons.5 }}
                                                {% endif %} 

                                <div class="col col-12">
                                    <div class="productbox-title">
                                        <a href="{{ product.url }}" title="{{ product.name }}" class="text-clamp-2">
                                            {{ product.name }}

                                    {% if product.average_rating > 0 %}
                                        <a class="rating" href="{{ product.url }}#tab-votes" title="{{ snippets.productRating }}: {{ product.average_rating }}/5">
                                        {% if product.average_rating >= 5 %}
                                            <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>
                                        {% else %}
                                            {% if product.average_rating >= 4 %}
                                                <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 4 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}
                                            {% else %}
                                                {% if product.average_rating >= 3 %}
                                                    <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 3 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                {% else %}
                                                    {% if product.average_rating >= 2 %}
                                                        <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 2 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                    {% else %}
                                                        {% if product.average_rating >= 1 %}
                                                            <i class="{{ snippets.icons.rating }}"></i>{% if product.average_rating > 1 %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i>{% else %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>{% endif %}<i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                        {% else %}
                                                            {% if product.average_rating > 0 %}
                                                                <i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingHalf }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i><i class="{{ snippets.icons.ratingEmpty }}"></i>
                                                            {% endif %}
                                                        {% endif %}
                                                    {% endif %}
                                                {% endif %}
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {% endif %}
                                    {% else %}
                                        <div class="rating productbox-rating-empty"></div>
                                    {% endif %}
                                    {% if product.in_stock %}
                                            {% if product.stock >= snippets.settings.storageLightsGreen%}
                                            <div class="delivery-status">
                                                <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                        <span class="status status-2"> 
                                                            <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                            <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextGreen}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if product.stock > snippets.settings.storageLightsRed and product.stock < snippets.settings.storageLightsGreen %}
                                            <div class="delivery-status">
                                                <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                        <span class="status status-1"> 
                                                            <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                            <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextYellow}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if product.stock == snippets.settings.storageLightsRed%}
                                                <div class="delivery-status">
                                                    <ul class="list-unstyled">
                                                           <span class="status status-0"> 
                                                                <span class="{{snippets.settings.storageLightIcon}} status-icon"> </span>
                                                                <span class="status-text">{{snippets.settings.storageLightTextRed}}</span>
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {% endif %}

                                        <div class="price_wrapper">
                                            {% if product.has_variations or product.bulk_prices != 0 %}
                                                <span class="price_label pricestarting">
                                                    {{ snippets.priceStarting }}
                                            {% endif %}

                                            <div class="price productbox-price {% if product.on_sale %} special-price{% endif %}">
                                                <span>{{ product.price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} <span class="footnote-reference">*</span></span>

                                            {% if product.on_sale %}
                                                <div class="price-note">
                                                    <div class="instead-of old-price">
                                                        <small class="text-muted-util">
                                                            <del class="value">{{ product.original_price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }}</del>
                                            {% endif %}

                                             {% if product.base_price > 0 %}
                                                <div class="price-note">
                                                    <span class="value">{{ product.base_price | money }} {{ globals.currency_symbol }} {{ snippets.vpePer }} {{ product.base_price_unit }}</span>
                                            {% else %}
                                                <div class="price-note">&nbsp;</div>
                                            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

        {% if count > products.length %}
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-12 productlist-pagination">
                    <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-more-wrapper mx-auto text-center">
                        <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress-wrapper">
                            <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress-label">
                                {{ snippets.loadMoreProgress | highlight '###PRODUCTCOUNT###' 'clerk-endless-scroll-progress-count' | replace '###PRODUCTCOUNT###' products.length | replace '###COUNT###' count }}
                            <div class="clerk-endless-scroll-progress progress mb-4">
                                <div class="progress-bar bg-secondary" role="progressbar" style="width: {{ (products.length / count) * 100 }}%;" aria-valuenow="{{ products.length }}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="{{ count }}"></div>
                           <div class="clerk-load-more-button btn btn-secondary btn-lg">{{ snippets.loadMore }}</div>
                                document.querySelector('.clerk-load-more-button').addEventListener('click', function() {
                                    Clerk('content', '#{{ content.id }}', function(content) {
                                        content.more({% if not limit %}{{ result.length }}{% endif %});
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        <p class="text-center">{{ snippets.textNoResults | replace '###QUERY###' query | highlight query 'clerk-search-highlight' }}</div>
    {% endif %}

Facets (easyTemplate) #

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12 et-product-list-filter-wrapper">
        <div class="et-product-list-filter-top-wrapper">
            <div class="bg-gray-lighter et-pt-10 et-pt-md-30 et-pb-15 et-mb-30">
                <div class="headline-style h2 d-none d-md-block">
                    Filter und Sortierung

                <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center justify-content-md-start et-product-list-filter-top et-filters-active" data-more-filters-limit="{&quot;xs&quot;:0,&quot;sm&quot;:0,&quot;md&quot;:0,&quot;lg&quot;:0,&quot;xl&quot;:0}">
                    <div class="col-6 col-sm-auto d-lg-none et-product-list-filter-mobile text-right">
                        <div id="et-product-list-filter-collapse-trigger-mobile" class="et-product-list-filter-collapse-trigger-mobile et-collapse btn btn-filter" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="true" data-target="#et-product-list-filter-collapse-content-mobile" aria-controls="et-product-list-filter-collapse-content-mobile">
                            <i class="fas fa-filter"></i> Filtern

                    <div id="et-product-list-filter-collapse-content-mobile" class="col-12 et-product-list-filter-collapse-content-mobile collapse">
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col w-100 et-product-list-filter-filters">
                                <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-4 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-6">
                                    <!-- Sorting -->
                                    <div class="col et-product-list-filter-item">
                                        <div class="dropdown et-product-list-filter-sort">
                                            <button class="btn btn-filter dropdown-toggle et-dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" data-display="static">
                                                <i class="fas fa-angle-up et-dropdown-open"></i>
                                                <i class="fas fa-angle-down et-dropdown-closed"></i>
                                            <div class="dropdown-menu" id="clerk-sort">
                                                <div class="link-discreet dropdown-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_price" title="Preis aufsteigend">
                                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Preis aufsteigend</span>
                                                <div class="link-discreet dropdown-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="desc_price" title="Preis absteigend">
                                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Preis absteigend</span>
                                                <div class="link-discreet dropdown-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_age" title="Neueste zuerst">
                                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Neueste zuerst</span>
                                                <div class="link-discreet dropdown-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_name" title="Artikelname von A bis Z">
                                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Artikelname von A bis Z</span>
                                                <div class="link-discreet dropdown-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="desc_name" title="Artikelname von Z bis A">
                                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Artikelname von Z bis A</span>

                                    <!-- Facet Groups -->
                                    {% for facet_group in facets %}
                                        {% assign activeGroup = '' %}
                                        {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                                            {% if facet.selected %}
                                                {% assign activeGroup = ' active ' %}
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {% endfor %}

                                        <div class="col et-product-list-filter-item">
                                            <div class="dropdown et-product-list-filter-{{ facet_group.group }}">
                                                <button class="btn btn-filter dropdown-toggle et-dropdown-toggle{{ activeGroup }}" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" data-display="static">
                                                    <span class="text-truncate">{{ facet_group.title }}</span>
                                                    <i class="fas fa-angle-up et-dropdown-open"></i>
                                                    <i class="fas fa-angle-down et-dropdown-closed"></i>
                                                <div class="dropdown-menu">
                                                    {% if facet_group.type == "range" %}
                                                        <div class="clerk-range stagio_range"
                                                            data-group="{{ facet_group.group}}"
                                                            data-min="{{ facet_group.min }}"
                                                            data-max="{{ facet_group.max }}"
                                                            data-start="{{ facet_group.start }}"
                                                            data-end="{{ facet_group.end }}"
                                                    {% endif %}
                                                    {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                                                        <div class="clerk-facet
                                                                {% if facet.selected %}
                                                                {% endif %} nav-link filter-item d-flex align-items-center"
                                                            data-facet="{{ facet_group.group }}"
                                                            data-value="{{ facet.value }}"
                                                            data-min="{{ facet.min }}"
                                                            data-max="{{ facet.max }}"
                                                            title="{{ facet.name }}"
                                                            <i class="far fa{% if facet.selected %}-check{% endif %}-square snippets-filter-item-icon-right"></i>
                                                            <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">{{ facet.name }}</span>
                                                            <span class="badge badge-outline-secondary">{{ facet.count }}</span>
                                                    {% endfor %}
                                    {% endfor %}

                            <!-- Active Filters -->
                            {% assign isActive = 0 %}
                            {% for facet_group in facets %}
                                {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                                    {% if facet.selected %}
                                        {% assign isActive = 1 %}
                                    {% endif %}
                                {% endfor %}
                            {% endfor %}

                            {% if isActive %}
                                <div class="col-12 et-product-list-filter-actions">
                                    <div id="active-filters" class="active-filters">
                                        {% for facet_group in facets %}
                                            {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                                                {% if facet.selected %}
                                                    <div class="clerk-facet clerk-facet-selected filter-type-{{ facet_group.group }} snippets-filter-item et-active-filter btn btn-xs btn-secondary"
                                                        data-facet="{{ facet_group.group }}"
                                                        data-value="{{ facet.value }}"
                                                        data-min="{{ facet.min }}"
                                                        data-max="{{ facet.max }}"
                                                        title="Diesen Filter entfernen"
                                                        <span class="et-active-filter-value">{{ facet.name }}</span> <i class="fas fa-times snippets-filter-item-icon-left"></i>
                                                {% endif %}
                                            {% endfor %}
                                        {% endfor %}
                                        <div title="Alle Filter zurücksetzen" class="snippets-filter-item-all et-active-filter-clear btn btn-danger btn-xs">
                                            <span class="et-active-filter-name">Alle Filter zurücksetzen</span><i class="fas fa-times snippets-filter-item-icon-left"></i>
                            {% endif %}
        <div class="et-product-list-filter-total" id="clerk-facets-headline-count" >
            <span class="value"></span> Artikel

    if (!window.s360_clerk) {
        window.s360_clerk = {};

    Clerk('on', 'rendered', '#clerk-search', function(content, data) {
        window.s360_clerk.query = data.query;

        // add product count to facet headline
        $("#clerk-facets-headline-count .value").html(data.count);

        // register sort layers
        $("#clerk-sort .js-clerk-sort").on('click', function() {
            let val = $(this).data('sort');
            let or = (val.split('_')[0] == 'null') ? eval(val.split('_')[0]) : val.split('_')[0];
            let orb = (val.split('_')[1] == 'null') ? eval(val.split('_')[1]) : val.split('_')[1];
            window.s360_clerk.sort = val;

            Clerk('content', '[data-target][data-query][data-template][data-clerk-content-id]', 'param', {
                orderby: orb,
                order: or

        // function for remove all filter button
        $('.snippets-filter-item-all').on('click', function (e) {
            window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + "?query=" + window.s360_clerk.query;

        // set sort layer active
        if (window.s360_clerk.sort) {
            let sortActive = $('#clerk-sort .js-clerk-sort[data-sort=' + window.s360_clerk.sort + ']');
            if (sortActive.hasClass("active") === false) {
                sortActive.append('<i class="fas fa-check ml-auto pl-1"></i>');
                sortActive.data("sort", "null_null");

Facets (Nova) #

<div class="row">
    <aside class="sidepanel-left d-print-none col-12 dropdown-full-width">
        <div class="box box-normal">
            <div id="clerk-facets-headline-count" class="productlist-filter-headline d-none d-md-flex">
                Filter und Sortierung&nbsp;<span class="value"></span>

            <!-- Reset Filter Button -->
            {% assign isActive = 0 %}
            {% for facet_group in facets %}
                {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                    {% if facet.selected %}
                        {% assign isActive = 1 %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}

            {% if isActive  %}
                <div title="Alle Filter zurücksetzen" class="snippets-filter-item-all btn btn-danger btn-sm">
                    <span class="et-active-filter-name">Alle Filter zurücksetzen</span><i class="fas fa-times snippets-filter-item-icon-left"></i>
            {% endif %}

        <!-- Sorting -->
        <div class="box box-filter word-break">
            <div class="nav-panel">
                <ul class="nav flex-column">
                    <li class="nav-item dropdown facet-sort">
                        <span class="nav-link  dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#facet-group-sort" aria-expanded="false">

                        <div class="collapse snippets-categories-collapse " id="facet-group-sort">
                            <div id="clerk-sort">
                                <div class="link-discreet filter-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_price" title="Preis aufsteigend">
                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Preis aufsteigend</span>
                                <div class="link-discreet filter-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="desc_price" title="Preis absteigend">
                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Preis absteigend</span>
                                <div class="link-discreet filter-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_age" title="Neueste zuerst">
                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Neueste zuerst</span>
                                <div class="link-discreet filter-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="asc_name" title="Artikelname von A bis Z">
                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Artikelname von A bis Z</span>
                                <div class="link-discreet filter-item js-clerk-sort" data-sort="desc_name" title="Artikelname von Z bis A">
                                    <span class="et-filter-option-name filter-item-value">Artikelname von Z bis A</span>

            <hr class="box-filter-hr">

        <!-- Facet Groups -->
        {% for facet_group in facets %}
            <div class="box box-filter word-break">
                <div class="nav-panel">
                    <ul class="nav flex-column">
                        {% assign activeGroup = 0 %}
                        {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                            {% if facet.selected %}
                                {% assign activeGroup = 1 %}
                            {% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}

                        <!-- Facet Group -->
                        <li class="nav-item dropdown facet-{{ facet_group.group }}">
                            <span class="nav-link  dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#facet-group-{{ facet_group.title }}" aria-expanded="{% if activeGroup == 1}true{% else %}false{% endif %}">
                                {{ facet_group.title }}

                            <!-- Facets -->
                            <div class="snippets-categories-collapse {% if activeGroup == 1}collapsed show{% else %}collapse{% endif %}" id="facet-group-{{ facet_group.title }}">
                                {% if facet_group.type == "range" %}
                                    <div class="filter-item clerk-range stagio_range"
                                        data-group="{{ facet_group.group}}"
                                        data-min="{{ facet_group.min }}"
                                        data-max="{{ facet_group.max }}"
                                        data-start="{{ facet_group.start }}"
                                        data-end="{{ facet_group.end }}"
                                {% endif %}

                                {% for facet in facet_group.facets %}
                                    <div class="filter-item clerk-facet {% if facet.selected %} active clerk-facet-selected {% endif %}"
                                        data-facet="{{ facet_group.group }}"
                                        data-value="{{ facet.value }}"
                                        data-min="{{ facet.min }}"
                                        data-max="{{ facet.max }}"
                                        title="{{ facet.name }}"
                                        <div class="box-link-wrapper">
                                            {% if facet.selected %}
                                                <i class="far fa-check-square snippets-filter-item-icon-right"></i>
                                            {% else %}
                                                <i class="far fa-square snippets-filter-item-icon-right"></i>
                                            {% endif %}
                                            <span class="word-break">{{ facet.name }}</span>
                                            <span class="badge  badge-outline-secondary">{{ facet.count }}</span>
                                {% endfor %}

                <hr class="box-filter-hr">
        {% endfor %}

    if (!window.s360_clerk) {
        window.s360_clerk = {};

    Clerk('on', 'rendered', '#clerk-search', function(content, data) {
        window.s360_clerk.query = data.query;

        // add product count to facet headline
        $("#clerk-facets-headline-count .value").html(data.count);

        // register sort layers
        $("#clerk-sort .js-clerk-sort").on('click', function() {
            let val = $(this).data('sort');
            let or = (val.split('_')[0] == 'null') ? eval(val.split('_')[0]) : val.split('_')[0];
            let orb = (val.split('_')[1] == 'null') ? eval(val.split('_')[1]) : val.split('_')[1];
            window.s360_clerk.sort = val;

            Clerk('content', '[data-target][data-query][data-template][data-clerk-content-id]', 'param', {
                orderby: orb,
                order: or

        // function for remove all filter button
        $('.snippets-filter-item-all').on('click', function (e) {
            window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + "?query=" + window.s360_clerk.query;

        // set sort layer active
        if (window.s360_clerk.sort) {
            let sortActive = $('#clerk-sort .js-clerk-sort[data-sort=' + window.s360_clerk.sort + ']');
            if (sortActive.hasClass("active") === false) {
                sortActive.append('<i class="fas fa-check ml-auto pl-1"></i>');
                sortActive.data("sort", "null_null");