Magento 2


Instant Search & Search Page #’s search function consists of two parts:

  • The Live-Search dropdown that is displayed when a customer starts typing.

  • The Search Page which displays all matching products on a full page.

From the main menu start by clicking on Getting Started:

1. Create Standard Designs and Content #

The first thing you need to do, is create Standard Designs and Content.

You can use the Setup guide entitled SEARCH under the Getting Started option, to quickly create Designs and Content that have the same color scheme and style as your webshop.

A/ Start by creating a Design and Content for the Live Search :

Once you have created your design, click Publish.

B/ And then create a Design and Content for the Search Page:

Once you have created your design, click Publish.

You can easily change your designs and content later, under Designs and Content in the left menu.

Change Design

Change Content

2. Activate the Live-Search and Search Page #

The next steps will guide you through the steps needed to activate the Live Search and the Search-Page Functions:

Please bare in mind even if the next steps are already checked with a green icon as if they were installed - they are not - you still need to click and follow the steps:

A/ Install the Live-Search and Search Page

In the Magento 2 module both Live-Search and Search Page are enabled under the same steps, therefore you can click either on:

- Install your auto-complete search

- Install your search page

Follow all the Steps under the section: Enable search and  live-search

Finalise the setup by clicking Done

After enabling the features, you will be able to see’s SEARCH function on your webshop.

Facets #

Overview #

Clerk.js comes with built in support for Faceted Search. Any product attributes you send to can be used as part of the Faceted Search.

Creation of Facets #

To add facets to your Search Page, go to your backend and go under Search -> Designs -> New Design -> Select Facets -> One of four styles -> Give it a name and press Create design. This design will have a specific design ID which we will be using later.

Oopen your Magento 2 admin portal, follow the path Stores > Configuration > Clerk > Configuration, and scroll down to “Faceted Search Settings” to get started.

Enabling Faceted Search & Choosing Attributes #

  • Enable your Search Page facets by selecting “Yes” from the dropdown

  • Next, select the attributes you’d like to include as Facets from the options listed in the Attributes box.

Multiselect Attributes & Titles #

  • You can also add “Multiselect Attributes” as facets by selecting from this box.

  • In the “Titles” section, add a customer-friendly label for each facet you’ve added in the text boxes below " Admin", and choose the order you’d like each facet to appear under " Sort Order".

Then add the Facet designs ID and insert it to Design Template

After following these steps, Facets should be added to your Search Page!