

How Usage is measured #

General #

No Results - No Usage

Fairness is important to us, so we only count usage when we successfully deliver results back. If a search, email or recommendation returns no results, no usage is counted.

Pricing Model

At we want to ensure that you make as much money as possible and get a fantastic ROI when using our products.

That is why we have a flat pricing structure, that is based solely on how much you use the products, instead of taking a cut of the sales you make or the indexing we do.

You can always find the pricing of each product here

Our pricing model works by putting you in an “up-to” tier where you can show a maximum amount of results equal to the tier.

When your usage is above your current tier for 3 consecutive months, your subscription tier is upgraded automatically. You do not have to worry about being inhibited by limitations preventing your customers from using the Clerk Features.

Should you wish to lower your usage, you can always reach out to your CSM who can help guide you and ultimately downgrade your Subscription, once you usage has gone below the tier.

Instant Search

We know that visitors generally see results several times while typing their search. That’s why showing products in Instant Search is cheaper - each result counts 0.2 usage.

Every additional type of result shown, like categories, suggestions and pages, will also count as 0.2 usage each. Usage is still only counted when results are shown.

Thus, an Instant Search showing Products, Categories, Pages and Suggestions counts as 0.8 usage when results are shown:

Search Page

When visitors go to the search page to see all results, this is 1 usage.

Clicking on a filter to show completely new results, also counts as 1 usage.

Loading more results on the search page, counts as 1 usage.


If your monthly avg. of searches are 22.000, you will then be in the “up to 25.000” tier.

In the Search dashboard, you can easily see how much money you make, when your customers interact with Search:

Recommendations #

Usage is measured based on how many recommendations banners are shown.

For example, when a customer enters the Home Page with 3 banners, this is 3 usage.

If a customer enters your Product page where you have 2 banners, this is 2 usage.


If your monthly avg. of recommendations views are 220.000, you will be in the “up to 250.000” tier.

Due to this, it’s important to place banners in a way so customers notice them, to maximise your ROI.

In the Recommendations dashboard, you can see the ROI of each banner you are using:

Email #

Email Automation

When you use to send emails, usage is based on emails sent.

If you send 15.000 emails during a month, this will count as 15.000 usage.

Email Recommendations Snippets

When you include Email Recommendations in your existing emails through snippets, usage is based on email opens. The usage is not based on per email sent, but per image loaded within the opened email. It counts 0.1 usage per API call for each image rendered.

E.g. If you have 25.000 opened emails with recommendations of 10 rendered images, this counts as 25.000 usage.


You can use both of the above at the same time.

Your usage is simply combined. E.g. 15.000 Emails sent from + 25.000 opened emails from your own email provider containing Email Recommendations will put you in the “up to 50.000” tier.

In the Email dashboard, you can see how much money you are making overall, and on individual emails/snippets

Audience #

Usage is based on the amount of customer profiles imported to Specifically, its measured on the email address because this is an actionable data point that can be used for marketing to that customer.

If you have 22.000 email addresses in, you will then be put in the “up to 25.000 customers” tier.

Audience is counted daily like our other products. Each day is counted as 1/30th of the total amount of email addresses on that day, to spread it across the month. By the end of each month, you will then have a realistic amount of customers that were available during the month.

In the Audience dashboard, you can easily see how much your customers are worth as groups, while also showing you which groups you have the highest potential ROI on reaching out to:

Checking Your Product Usage #

If you want to see exactly what you are getting out of your subscription to, we have made it easy to check.

Go to the home screen at

In the upper left corner of your screen, click the Store Name and then click on your Account’s Name in order to see your Usage:

On the Usage page you can see your full usage history for each product, as well as this months estimated usage.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding pricing, please reach out to your dedicated CSM, or our support team at, or by live-chat in the lower right corner.