
Design Editor

How to use our Design Editor

Our Design editor lets you create the content for your elements without coding.

Basics #

To use the New Design Editor, go to and click on either [Search > Designs] or [Recommendations > Designs] .

Click [New Design]

From here you will be able to choose either to start with a template, or with a completely blank design:

If you choose Blank you will be able to either create a design in the Design Editor or directly via code mode.

If you choose to go with a template, pick from one of the starting styles available:

Click [Next] give your design a name, and then click [Create Design] .

You can now see the Design Editor as below:

Next to your design title on the left top, you can choose to view the design and edit the styling specifically for Desktop, Mobile and Tablet - the styling will be used for each type of device.

You will also find a “tree-view” collapsible menu on the right which displays all the elements you have included in your design.

  • To modify an element of your design, click on it.

  • to Delete an element, click on the bin icon next to the “+”.

  • If you want to add or change an element, click the "+" and you will have three different categories as shown below.

    When you click on the “+” and add , it places the item inside the component that you choose to add from, becoming part of your “tree-view” structure.

Screenshot 2021-10-19 at 10.58.47

Display Multiple #

Display Multiple lets you choose different options to display your content in the design (e.g. Slider will show products on an horizontal line next to each other, Grid data list will show them in grids and so on)

When choosing the Display multiple item, make sure to click on it and click Select item to repeat By tapping libraries above and then choosing  product for example, you will display all the products available in your catalogue.

Components #

From this menu you can choose new elements for your Design. To reposition the element in the design, drag it from the right hand sided tree-view menu like below:

Layout #

Layout has three different options (Box, Two Column Box and Three Column box).

A box can be used to contain different elements in it.

For example, when showing a crossed out price for a product on sale and the actual discounted price, you will use a box with two columns, assigning the different price attribute to each one of the columns.

Screenshot 2021-10-19 at 11.10.44

Badge #

The Badge Component is probably one of the best ways for you to add a visual unique to your webshop. The badge component contains various sub-components such as style, placement, text box, background color, padding, round corners and conditional display.

Badge StyleSetting the angle of which the badge is attached onto the element (default or diagonal)
Badge PlacementSetting which corner of the element you want to place badge (top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right)
Text boxA text box which can contain any text such as “On sale” or “New”, and it also supports our template language which will be shown in an example in the next section
Background ColorSetting the background color in hexcode
PaddingSet the padding inside your badge to make space from the text to the edge
Round CornersMakes either hard or soft corners based pixels

Conditional Display #

Conditional Display allows you to show elements only when a certain criteria is met, like when a product is on sale, or if its not in stock.

To insert a condition, open one of your elements, like a badge in the example and type your attribute or condition in the box as shown below.

Conditional Display is optional, so if left empty on a badge for example, the badge will show on every repeated item in your design.

When using conditional displays, the syntax is always item.attribute as it can be used on all data types: products, categories, suggestions & pages.

Using item.attribute will use the data from whatever data is currently looped through.

Following example below shows how you can create a condition if a product is on sale in the product catalogue. If you set the condition to be item.on_sale=true or item.price < item.list_price, then the badge or other components like it will show on each product which fulfills this condition.

What if I want to put in a discount percentage for products inside a badge?

After you have setup the condition for a badge to be displayed when a product is on sale, then you can edit inside the text box for this element.

This is merely an example if you want to display discount percentage for a product’s before and current price:

Insert the below example inside the text box and it should display the text along with a discount percentage for the individual products:

SAVE {{parseInt(100-((item.price*100)/item.list_price))}}%

Or you can also do it for showing regular price difference:

SAVE {{(product.list_price - product.price) | money}}

You can look at further at what the different formatters does in our Template Language documentation here.

Save and Publish #

When you completed your design and are ready to use it on your store as a Clerk content, click on the blue [Publish] button on the right bottom side.

your design will now be saved and published with your old existing designs under Design and is ready to use in your Content.

Screenshot 2021-10-19 at 11.23.39

For using it, do as you did previously with old design, under Content > Edit > Select Design .