
How Product Logics Work

Details on their functionality and the endpoints they use.

Clerk is built around a powerful API that offers many different ways to display results to customers. These are called Product Logics and offer various functionalities suited to different use cases.

This article explains the available logics for Search and how they work.

The names of these Product Logics match what you see in the backend when using Content. Each of them has a matching Endpoint in Clerk’s API, which you can inspect in our developer docs using the links provided below.

Endpoint: search/predictive

Predicts what the visitor is trying to find by auto-completing their query and displaying the best matches. Matches are sorted by what is most likely to sell, based on the order data available to Clerk.

Endpoint: search/search

Shows the best matches for the exact query a visitor typed. Matches are sorted by what is most likely to sell, based on the order data available to Clerk.

Endpoint: search/categories

Displays results based on categories that match the search terms, using any available text on categories, such as name or description. Integrated into Live Search by default.

Endpoint: search/pages

Shows content pages matching the query, using any available page attributes. Integrated into Live Search by default.

Omnisearch Beta #

Endpoint: v3/search/omni

Omnisearch combines all of our search logics into a single endpoint that can be used to show products, categories, pages and suggestions. It’s part of our API v3 which is currently still in development.