
Timeframe #
By default, the dashboard shows the performance over the last 30 days, but this can be customised with the date-range selector in the top right corner.
Labels #
These are used to identify each Recommendations element. You can define them in Content or in API calls.
Ideally, each label should contain the placement of the banner and the logic it uses, e.g. Product Page / Alternatives
When following our setup guides, we automatically add descriptive labels to the Recommendations elements.
When creating new Content blocks, the label will be the same as the name you choose when creating it, but it can also be changed afterwards.
Overview #
Breaks down the key metrics of how many visitors use Recommendations, and the influence on their orders.
- Percentage of visitors that see and click in Recommendations banners during their session
- Increase in the probabiliy that visitors buy when they click in Recommendations
- Percentage of customers that buy at least 1 product from Recommendations
- Avg. increase in order values when customers buy from Recommendations
Added Order Value #
Breaks down the estimated extra revenue made from Recommendations.
The calculation is made by:
- Finding the amount of orders that have at least 1 product bought through Recommendations.
- Multiplying this by the avg. amount of extra products in these orders, to get a baseline of the total extra products sold by Clerk.
- Multiplying this by the average value of the extra products added by Clerk, to get an estimate of the total extra revenue added.
While it will always require an A/B test to see the exact revenue, these numbers still provide a good estimate of the value that Recommendations adds to your business.
Best Selling #
A detailed table of all Recommendations elements with at least 1 sale since it was integrated. This uses the label of each element to show how it performs compared to others.
Revenue: Total earnings from products found with this label.
Average Basket Size: Avg. amount of products in orders with at least 1 product bought from this label.
Average Order Value: Average revenue of orders with at least 1 product bought from this label.
ROI: Return on investment for the label, based on the cost per view on our lowest tier (€0.00099). E.g. a banner with 2.000 views which has made €150 would be:
150 / (0.00099 * 2000)
= 75x ROI.Views: Total amount of times this label has been loaded on a page.