

See why's Search tool is the best on the market

In a nutshell #

One of the most important aspects of a webshop, is making it effortless for customers to find what they need. With, you can make it effortless for your customers, today.

Check out more of and try Search for free here!

Semantic Search (Beta) #

Only available for select customers. Can be activated by Clerk employees in Settings > Features > Semantic Fallback

Semantic search for cooling stuff down
A gamechanger in showing relevant results, Semantic Search understands what your customers mean, not what they write.

By default, Clerks search engine will try to find the best direct matches for any queries and rank them by what is most likely to sell. If someone searches for “Nike Air 2.0”, those exact Nike products will ne shown, ordered by how likely they are to sell.

If a customer searches less specifically, using natural language, our Semantic Search feature takes over and analyses what they mean.

Searches like “something to wash clothes with” will show washing machines and “I need to cool down food” will show refrigerators.

Semantic Search is a crucial step towards always showing the most highly converting result, regardless of how we mash buttons when browsing webshops.