
Purchase Intent

Definitions #

  • Interested In: is one of the best metrics of Audience. Through customers’ purchase history, can anticipate which customers will be likely to purchase the products, brand, type of products etc. that you choose.

A simple example is this:

If sees that many customers buy a blue pair of shoes with a red shirt, then customers who have purchased the red shirt will show up if you find customers, who are Interested In “blue shoes”. Even though the algorithm is much more advanced than this, the point is the same.

  • Have Purchased helps you find customers who have already purchased a specific product, from a specific brand, category etc.
  • Have Not Purchased allows you to find customers who have not yet purchased a specific product, from a specific brand, category etc.

Find more potential buyers #

There may be unused opportunities amongst your existing customers. Find customers who are interested in certain products that you offer, but haven’t actually purchased them yet.

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Customers likely to buy from a brand or category #

Increase your CTR and lower the unsubscribe rate by sending newsletters only to those customers who are actually interested in your offer.

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Customers who haven’t bought a great accessory #

Target the customers who have bought a shirt, but didn’t actually buy the matching shoes or pants.

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