Measuring Impact
Using Clerk should technically be free - you should always earn substantially more than you pay for it. That’s why we’ve built a detailed Dashboard and Analytics for all products, to show how it helps your business.
Precise Tracking #
One of the great things about our Dashboards is that you can see exactly which orders were impacted by Clerk and how much more valuable they are.
An order is considered impacted by Clerk when a customer has bought at least 1 product from a Clerk element.
Clerk attributes a product as sold through Clerk when a visitor goes through these exact steps:
Click a product through a recommendation, chat or search result.
Proceed to put the product in their basket.
Place the order with the product in their basket.
Any other products in the order that were found elsewhere are considered organic:

Dashboard #
This is primary performance overview across all Clerk features that you use. It’s meant to give you a quick insight into whether Clerk is still good business for you.
Timeframe #
By default, the dashboard shows the performance over the last 30 days, but this can be customised with the date-range selector in the top right corner.
Customer Spend #
These are the most crucial numbers for evaluating your return on investment. As with all Analytics, it is our best estimate of how much revenue you have made with Clerk.

While you can only get absolute numbers by doing a real split-test, these metrics are often enough to let you know if you are on the right track.
The banner visualises how many orders contain at least 1 product from Clerk, multiplied by the average extra revenue in these orders compared to orders without any products from Clerk.
Revenue #
This chart shows the ratio of revenue generated from different sources, breaking down revenue coming from each product you use.

Green percentages represent the proportion of sold products, orders, and revenue that are attributed to Clerk.
Avg. Order Value #
Breaks down the average increase in revenue for orders impacted by Clerk, and shows a trend-line chart for each product you use.
Basket Size #
Breaks down the average amount of items in orders impacted by Clerk, and shows as a trend-line chart for each product you use.
Conversion Rate #
Breaks down the increase in percentage of customers that convert after interacting with Clerk elements and shows a trend-line chart for each product you use.
The main percentage shown is the increase, which can look dramatic. E.g. if the avg. conversion rate for Clerk orders is 5% and its 2% for organic orders, this is equal to a 150% increase, or 1.5x higher.
Smoothing #
Found in the top right corner of trend-line charts, and can be used to better represent trends. Depending on the amount of days you choose, the charts will average the daily numbers with x amount of days before and after it.
This makes it easier to see the real trends, instead of just daily fluctuations that are hard to read.
Orders #
Clerk tracks all orders from your webshop and gives you two overviews for referencing how we get to the numbers in the Dashboard.
Tracked Orders #
Lists all orders that were tracked from the frontend, after Clerk was installed. This does not include orders that were imported from your platform during the Data Sync process.

Orders are listed by their ID, and the time they were placed, so they reflect the listings from your webshop platform.
The overview gives you a quick insight into the impact from Clerk on recent orders, including an estimate of the value added.
Order Details #
This lists all the orders that Clerk has received, whether through frontend tracking or by import. It’s used mainly to let you browse and reference any order that Clerk has access to.
Analytics #
Each Clerk product comes with its own detailed Analytics:
- Search: Deep insight into how your visitors are searching.
- Recommendations: Thorough overview of each individual banner.
- Email: Detailed info on each individual embed or campaign you use.
- Audience: Full overview of your customer base.
Number Significance #
We often get the question of whether the Clerk impacted orders, would not have contained the same products even if Clerk was not used on the website.
It’s true that it’s impossible to know whether a customer would or would not have bought the same products by looking at any 1 order.
That’s why we at Clerk believe in transparent, statistical significance, which can always be seen through the Dashboard.
After all, if more than 100 orders have been impacted by, and these orders have an average of 10% increase in basket size and order value, it can no longer be by chance that Clerk makes customers buy more.
Clerk vs. GA #
Google Analytics (GA) is one of the most used analytics tools for eCommerce.
Many eCommerce owners use this tool to track important metrics, such as pageviews, searches, conversion rates, ROI of paid advertising and so on.
It is then natural to try comparing the data provided by GA with the data calculated by, especially regarding’s product usage
However, the two tools are meant to measure different metrics with different calculation logics. Here are the main differences:
Search #
- By default, GA only measures searches from the actual search page, as it’s based on pageviews.
- Clerk measures searches for both the Search Page and dynamic results shown by Instant Search or Omnisearch while the visitor is typing. This means that Clerk will show a higher number of searches and more realistic insights.
Recommendations #
- GA only registers individual pageviews and does not consider the number of recommendation banners installed. Further, the number of pageviews can differ from Clerk since GA’s tracking script is often blocked by Ad Blockers.
- Clerk shows the total number of recommendation banners viewed across pages. If your product page has 2 banners and 1.000 views pr. month, your monthly usage for this page is 1.000 x 2 = 2.000.